My junior year of high school for Calculus BC a selective number of students were chosen to present their final class project to Texas Instruments.
Our task was to build and demonstrate how TI calculators can program a TI "Rover", an all-in-one robot that uses the Innovator hub to control it's action.
The goal was to build and program the TI-Innovator Rover to demonstrate Newton's Method. This was a problem that had never been attempted before because this platform is relatively new and there is little documentation.
We had challenges along the way that tested our problem solving ability. One main challenge was to design a mechanism that would allow the robot to lift a pen off the ground and place it back on the ground so that we could re-position the robot without drawing lines. We designed a servo attachment using CAD and 3-D printing and using trial and error we were able to draw tangent lines and plot the curves.